Exhibition fee
The BBK Saxony-Anhalt advocates appropriate remuneration for artistic work.
Guide to fees
The BBK Saxony-Anhalt therefore endorses the guidelines on fees for visual artists issued by the BBK Federal Association. Here, clients of visual artists and authors of funding guidelines can find out about appropriate remuneration.
Campaign #verguetetausstellungen
In Saxony-Anhalt, there are a few institutions besides the BBK that pay appropriate fees for visual artists. We need to build on this! The BBK Saxony-Anhalt working group on exhibition remuneration collects positive examples. Please get in touch with us if you have heard about fair remuneration for artists – because we would then like to interview those responsible for our #verguetetausstellungen campaign.
The Kulturwerk des BBK Sachsen-Anhalt was able to expand and professionalize its social media work in 2021 through the “BBK-POP” project. The launch of the #verguetetausstellungen campaign was also part of this. Thanks to #neustartkultur and the “Kultur.Gemeinschaften” program of the Kulturstiftung der Länder!

How do I negotiate my fee/price?
For visual artists, there are two main sources of funding: Fees and revenue. A seminar in cooperation with the Career Service of the HfBK Dresden focuses on the fees that can be charged for participation in exhibitions, the realization of artistic works or for courses, workshops, lectures, etc. A great deal of commitment has been […]
City of Halle (Saale)
Halle (Saale) I am very pleased that the municipal guideline on exhibition remuneration is the first step towards adequate remuneration for artists. Since when have you been paying an exhibition fee? In summer 2020, the City Council adopted a guideline on the payment of exhibition fees. It applies to all municipal cultural institutions, such as […]
Art Foundation of the State of Saxony-Anhalt
Halle (Saale) The Saxony-Anhalt Art Foundation unconditionally supports the envisaged exhibition fee for independent artists. Exhibition remuneration has already been part of the Foundation’s program for many years: for example, the possibility of exhibition remuneration is included in project funding; furthermore, remuneration for artists participating in competitions is being sought or has already been implemented. […]
BBK Saxony-Anhalt e.V.
Halle (Saale) Our association pays artists an exhibition fee because they naturally deserve to be paid for their work. Since when have you been paying an exhibition fee?We started systematically in 2015, at the time with the thematic group exhibition “Schnongs auf Hitsche” in Merseburg. Previously, artists usually contributed to our exhibition projects as “non-cash […]
Practice Dr. Hirsch
Halle (Saale) I pay artists an exhibition fee because it is a matter of course for me. Since when have you been paying an exhibition fee?Since 2008, since I’ve had the practice. Do you/your company pay this exhibition fee from your own budget or from public or private funds, from subsidies?I pay for it out […]
forum gestaltung e.V.
Magdeburg Exhibition fee. In this society, we should not have to ask whether, but why not. Since when have you been paying an exhibition fee?Since the founding of the Kunstverein in 2005, we have regarded remuneration, insofar as it is not only meant in the direct monetary sense, as an important component of corresponding financing […]
hr.fleischer e.V.
Halle (Saale) Our association pays artists an exhibition fee because we believe it is natural to pay artists for their work. Since when have you been paying an exhibition fee?We were founded in 2009, still as a project by many students. In the following years, we began to apply for funding and thus enable the […]