AG Member projects

The AG Mitgliederprojekte has set itself the task of helping members of the BBK Saxony-Anhalt to help themselves. In order to finance a project, it is usually necessary to obtain financing from own or third-party funds.

The working group is allocated a specific amount each year in the BBK Saxony-Anhalt budget. This enables BBK members to realize joint projects that benefit a group of artists. The structure of this funding provides for several members within the working group to discuss and plan a joint project within the working group. If there is a presentable draft from the members of the working group, this ideas paper can be presented to the Executive Board. The latter then makes a decision. In principle, it is of course possible for several joint projects to apply for funding. Even then, the Executive Board decides who receives the funds, as the association only has limited funds available each year.

AG coordination and dates

René Schäffer is responsible for the coordination of the working group
E-mail to:

Next meeting of the AG:
Tuesday, April 09, 2024, 10:30 a.m.

Residency Scholarship Audiovisual Art

The 13th INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL SCHLOSSMEDIALE FÜR ALTE UND NEUE MUSIK UND AUDIOVISUELLE KUNST will take place from June 19 to 28, 2025.A five-week residency grant gives three individual artists the opportunity to develop new art in a place steeped in history and to realize it in a creative and open approach in the special rooms […]

© Claudia Konold

Art on advertising pillars in Cologne

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Promotion fund int. Cooperation projects fine arts/ Goethe Institute

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