Review of the project
“Artists in schools”
1996 to 2015

The study was commissioned by the Berufsverband Bildender Künstler (BBK) Sachsen-Anhalt between May 2016 and December 2017 and was financially supported by the Ministry of Education of the State of Saxony-Anhalt.

Special thanks are due in particular to Beáta Maria Hinz as head and coordinator of the “Artists in Schools” project (since its launch in 1996) and to the board and office of the professional association for their extensive and continuous support with the research. We would also like to thank all the artists and school representatives who have reflected on their collaborations, some of which have lasted many years, in discussions and interviews, thus making knowledge and experiences from project practice accessible to the public.

About the author

Thomas Kümmel studied painting/graphic glass with Prof. Christine Triebsch at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle from 1997 to 2003. He then worked for the university in the areas of public relations and the university gallery until 2010. In 2009, he founded klbkultur GbR together with Dr. Luckner-Bien and has since worked freelance in the field of public relations for artists and cultural institutions. From 2011 to 2015, he was part of the first generation of cultural agents in the nationwide model program “Cultural Agents for Creative Schools” initiated and funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation and Stiftung Mercator. During this time, his main tasks included the development of a cultural school profile at the schools he supervised in the rural area around the district town of Mühlhausen in the state of Thuringia and, closely related to this, the establishment of sustainable cooperation between schools, artists and cultural institutions. Since October 2015, he has been working for the state program “Kulturagenten für kreative Schulen Baden-Württemberg” (Cultural Agents for Creative Schools Baden-Württemberg) and will be supporting a total of three schools of different sizes and school types in Heidenheim an der Brenz until summer 2019.

Technical implementation of the presentation for the web, programming and administration:
Christoph Gabriel, hatpep

Project practice

In order to shed some light on the field of concrete collaboration, qualitative interviews were conducted with several school representatives and artists at the end of the study. The interviewees selected the questions relevant to them from a given list of questions and answered them in free speech. Interviews with school representatives Elvira Gorisch and […]

Project cooperations

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Project history

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Data basis

This research covers a total of 803 individual projects by 140 artists at 252 schools between 1996 and 2015. As key data from a total of five years (1996, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003) are no longer available for the Magdeburg regional office due to the expiry of the ten-year retention obligation for project documents, these […]

Project actors

The two stakeholder groups, schools and artists, were active to very different degrees within the project. The main trends are highlighted below, in some cases in direct comparison. First, a general overview of the number of participants in the individual project years. It is already apparent here that, over the twenty-year period under review, almost […]

Project review “Visual artists in schools in Saxony-Anhalt” 1996 to 2015

Schools and artists benefit equally from the low bureaucratic effort involved in applying and can realize smaller projects per school year, which can be implemented both during lessons and in after-school care or as part of project days and weeks. The conception and realization by members of the Berufsverband Bildender Künstler Sachsen-Anhalt guarantees a high […]

Project activity

For the period from 1996 to 2015, 803 individual projects with 12,891 project hours are documented. As far as their geographical distribution is concerned, project participants, i.e. schools and artists, can be found in all eleven districts and the three independent cities of the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt. Focusing on the local and municipal level, […]