Anja Wolf

In February, our newcomer Anja Wolf will be presenting her work in the window of the workshop café. The exhibition will be on display around the clock until February 28.

On display in the exhibition are collages from the year 2024, which show an artistic examination of the “Potsdam Memorandum 2005”. This is a manifesto that calls for a rethink of the “materialistic-mechanical” world view in favor of the “principle of the living” in society and science in order to ensure the continued existence of the earth and humanity.

A large-format work entitled “Finiteness” will also provide an insight into the artist’s current paintings. The four-week exhibition will kick off with a vernissage. It will take place on Saturday, February 1, 2025 at 5 p.m. in the Werkstatt-Café Dessau. At the opening, Anja Wolf will also transform herself into a living sculpture that has already strolled through Dessau for “KulTour 2024”. The artist will be present and talk about her works.

The project is funded by the NeuSTADT Agency Dessau in 2025.