Culture builds strength

“Kultur macht stark III” funding secured for 2026/2027

The 27 program partners of “Kultur macht stark” are calling for the program to be continued until at least 2027. The background to this are planned cuts in the federal budget. Read the position paper of all program partners on the impending cuts here.

Foto: Grit Wendelberger


Pupils at Diemitz/Freiimfelde elementary school no longer arrive at their classroom via a dreary corridor, but past a colorful art installation designed in bright rainbow colors. The installation consists of eight panels, each showing a still life, curated by 15 pupils aged six to nine. The panels show the children’s finds and favorite pieces that […]

Foto: Jessica Vogel

Fabulous world of legends

Our second project in Sangerhausen encourages children to get to know their legendary local history in an interesting way. They are instructed to develop their own ideas about legends and mythical creatures and to realize them in an artistic and creative way. Identification with their region, increased self-confidence through creative work and presentation in public […]

Foto: Ruth Heftrig (Corona-Ostersendung an die Teilnehmer*innen)

The three pen strokes

Children from the August Hermann Francke elementary school in Halle (Saale) are embarking on an art thriller in 2019/20. As “The Three Pen Strokes”, they explore their everyday surroundings on Monday afternoons for a whole school year and discover completely new, mysterious things by looking closely and recording them. The artists provide impulses for close […]

Foto: Elfi Nitze

Great collage gluing!

Our first project in Schönebeck got eleven children and young people excited about the collage technique. During the 2020 winter vacations, artist Elfi Nitze introduced them to various historical masters of collage – and they began their own experiments. At the Schönebeck YMCA, people snipped, glued, painted and cooked and ate in between. Together and […]

Foto: Andrea Flemming, Berggeister, Glasknete

Legendary – Treasures of the soil Children’s art project at the Spengler Museum

The “Legendary – Treasures of the Soil” project encourages the participating children to get to know their legendary local history in an interesting way and also to discover the treasures that lie directly in the ground.1000 years of town history – a significant part of which is mining – contains some interesting events and traditions. […]

Foto: Maik Behrisch

WE. Design. Rooms

From August 2018 to March 2019, around ten children from the “Onkel UHU” after-school care center in Halle-Neustadt drew, hammered, glued, thought, laughed, romped and concentrated in the creative room of the “Onkel Uhu” after-school care center. The artists Grit Wendelberger and Andrea Hiller are running a project there that gives educationally disadvantaged children and […]

Foto: Karoline Peisker

The three brushstrokes – an illustrated art thriller

Since April 2018, Karoline Peisker and Josefine Cyranka have been searching for clues with the children of the August Hermann Francke elementary school after-school club. Not as detectives, but as creatives, they investigate “crime scenes” in the city in the immediate vicinity of the Francke Foundations. The question is: What’s going on in the city? […]

Three projects at the “Am Kirchteich” after-school care center

In the first week of the 2017 summer vacations, three projects are running in parallel at the “Am Kirchteich” after-school care center in Halle-Neustadt. The artist Barbara Šalamoun draws comics with the children, the artists Inga Becker and Suse Kaluza have collected old and broken devices to assemble a new machine on a large wall […]

“My own comic!”, direction: Barbara Šalamoun

The workshop not only teaches children the way in which their popular comic series are created, but also how they themselves can use this medium to say something to others – in a different way than just through a conversation. The artist teaches the individual steps involved in creating a comic. With the help of […]

“The miracle machine”, directed by Inga Becker and Suse Kaluza

The two artists work with the children to create a collage from upcycling materials. This involves dismantling old, primarily mechanical devices (mixers, alarm clocks, telephones, etc.). The children explore functions and mechanisms that would otherwise remain hidden under the cover. The appliances are not smashed, but dismantled piece by piece into their smallest parts. A […]

“Little tailor and little tailor”

Management: Björn Hermann and Rebekka Rauschhardt The after-school children draw clothes, costumes and fashion accessories and then sew them themselves. Creativity, sensitivity and sensitive fine motor skills are required here. The fashion show is also discussed right from the start and the important preparations involved are integrated into the workshop. The joint presentation, mutual help […]

“Charcoal, chalk, brushstrokes…”

In spring 2017, ten primary school children, who are looked after in the afternoons at the KindElternZentrum Lieskau, worked together with the two Halle artists Inga Becker and Suse Kaluza in a six-month project as part of the “Culture makes you strong” program. The special thing about this art project was raising awareness of the […]

On winged horses and three-headed dogs through the world of Greek legends

On winged horses and three-headed dogs through the world of Greek legends For six months, children from the third and fourth grades traveled through Greek mythology. On this journey, they explored legendary mythical creatures and discovered their own fantasy in the vastness of their imagination. In this project, the children mastered many unfamiliar work steps […]