The three brushstrokes – an illustrated art thriller

Photo: Karoline Peisker

Since April 2018, Karoline Peisker and Josefine Cyranka have been searching for clues with the children of the August Hermann Francke elementary school after-school club. Not as detectives, but as creatives, they investigate “crime scenes” in the city in the immediate vicinity of the Francke Foundations. The question is: What’s going on in the city? How do people behave at the streetcar stop, like cyclists or dog owners? What does the greengrocer sell and where does he get his apples from? What do the students write at their desks? What do they talk about in the canteen and what do they carry in their bags? The educational complex of the Francke Foundations with the “Wunderkammer”, the Orthodox and Christian chapel, the historical library, the “Pflanzgarten” and the university with its collections, libraries, faculties and refectory offer inspiration on a variety of topics. On their excursions, impressions are recorded in the form of sketches, photographed and then turned into illustrations using a variety of artistic techniques. At the end of the project in spring 2019, this “illustrated research” will be on display in a final presentation in the public showcases of the Francke Foundations. In addition, a summary of the works of all the children is planned in an illustrated “art thriller”. The art project “The three brushstrokes – an illustrated art thriller” as part of the “Culture makes you strong” initiative gives the children, many of whom come from socially disadvantaged families and families with a migration background, a completely new approach to their often so close and at the same time foreign environment.

Further information on the blog of the Francke Foundations.

Project partners: Francke Foundations and KinderKunstForum e.V.