AG Member projects

In 2024, the BBK Saxony-Anhalt budget will once again provide 1,500 euros as start-up funding for member projects.

These should benefit several members – for example in group exhibitions, symposia, etc. – and be conceived by a group of members. Prerequisite is the submission and presentation of a short concept at the meeting of the AG member projects on Tuesday, 09.04.2024, 10.30 a.m. in the office of the BBK Saxony-Anhalt, Große Klausstraße 6, 06108 Halle (Saale).

All project ideas are presented during the meeting of the member projects working group and then submitted to the Executive Board, which then makes the selection for 2024. Ideally, BBK funds should be used as a basis (own funds) for applying for third-party funding. The projects can then take place in 2024 or 2025.

The short concept (max. 1,500 characters) can be sent to by 31.03.2024 under the keyword – Member Project 2024 – and thus submitted.