Individual/cooperation scholarships / Schloss Wiepersdorf (15.04.2024)

The Kulturstiftung Schloss Wiepersdorf grants residency scholarships to artists and scientists at Schloss Wiepersdorf (Brandenburg/Fläming) in accordance with the guidelines and subject to the availability of state funds.

There is no entitlement to a scholarship.mThe number of scholarships to be awarded depends on the funding available in the state budget.

The residency scholarship has a duration of three months and is granted for the periods March to May, June to August or September to November. If required, a shorter period of stay can be specified for the academic scholarships.

In addition to free board and lodging at Schloss Wiepersdorf, the scholarship holders from all disciplines each receive a monthly cash payment of 1,200 euros and a one-off allowance of 480 euros for material costs. If the stay is shortened, the subsidy for material costs is reduced by 160 euros per month.

If capacity is available, studios will be made available to the visual artists. For scholarship holders from countries for which a visa is required, the costs of the visa will be covered.