Open Call: Disappearance: What remains?

The experimental project space “Stockwerk” is located in the E-Werk Weimar, a Gesamtkunstraum in the middle of the city. The concept for the year 2024 revolves around the theme of “disappearance”. This term is linked to the various facets of cultural, political and social events in the history of mankind. With this project, we want to address this issue, acknowledge the human impact and raise awareness for its protection. The overall aim is to create an interdisciplinary and multifaceted exhibition as well as a supporting program.

The theme “Disappearance: What remains?” aims to address endangered cultural treasures, natural disasters, environmental changes, armed conflicts and wars, urbanization and development, neglect and lack of maintenance as well as tourism pose serious threats to our cultural heritage. The project aims to trigger an intensive debate on this topic, to pay due tribute to human influences and to raise awareness of the need to protect these cultural treasures.

We are looking for professional, but also young visual artists, musicians, performers, architects, urban planners and scientists who are interested in this topic and can contribute further ideas. The topic does not have to be considered purely artistically; it could also be processed as a documentary/artistic or research project.

As there are no highly technical possibilities such as real-time generated computers, touch screens, etc., unfortunately no media artists can be invited as guests.

Über Stockwerk: The exhibition space with approx. 55 m² complements the art venue “E-Werk” with its theater and cinema offerings (Deutsches Nationaltheater and Lichthaus Kino) with a venue for visual arts. Overall, the Stockwerk project as a “living room gallery” contributes significantly to the existing cultural diversity in E-Werk Weimar.

No automatic confirmation of receipt or rejection will be sent. You will be contacted directly with an acceptance in approx. 10 days after the closing date.

Application deadline: May 19, 2024