International Dresden Summer Academy for Visual Arts

Every year, the Summer Academy invites artists and art students aged 20-40 to take part in a course of their choice. The scholarship makes it possible to work together artistically in the artistic workshops of riesa efau, in the media culture center, as well as in the nearby project space “Rösslstube e.V.”. The scholarship includes: free participation in one of the advertised courses during the first week; IMPORTANT: reimbursement of travel expenses and free accommodation only for participants from Saxony, the Czech Republic and Poland through transregional funding. WEEK 1:
individual courses from Monday to Friday 9.30 am – 5 pm. 2nd WEEK: Completion of your individual project in the artistic workshops of riesa efau; realization of the scholarship exhibition in the free project space Rösslstube; Presentation of selected works of art in the participants’ exhibition, Motorenhalle

Further information:

Application deadline: May 31, 2024